Cyrus Wesson

Cyrus is a Junior at Lick-Wilmerding High School in San Francisco where he competes on the Varsity Swim Team and is an active member of the Black Student’s Union. He is currently serving as Recording Secretary of the San Francisco Chapter of Jack and Jill Teen Group, having previously served as Treasurer.  Cyrus plays a regular Sunday afternoon pick up basketball, enjoys digitally enhancing music, rides Critical Mass and has become an avid snowboarder.  In the future, Cyrus hopes to attend a college or university with a focus on creative writing and music theory.

250 responses to “Cyrus Wesson

  1. beautillionbeauxs

    As I helped develop this blogsite and contest, I had the opportunity to get to know you and the other Beaux, and I’m so impressed. Best of luck.
    Veronica Modarelli
    Blossom Marketing

  2. Emma

    CYRUSS WESSON! Im so proud of u. You are in the process of making your own shadow. 😉
    Dont stop till you get enough! CONGRATS!

  3. Darren

    my offer still stands

  4. Daryl

    you get that VIP status(?)
    im so excited to see you become a MAN o.o
    ballroom dancing =D


  5. Rock on, little brother!

  6. Joseph

    Congrats man!! That’s great, I’m happy for you
    keep it up

  7. Teija

    yay cyrus!
    i heart you!

  8. Andre Hicks

    good job dude. you better win.

  9. Monica

    I’ve only just met you a while ago, but I’M SO EXCITED FOR YOU. woo!!!

  10. Jacob

    yee cyrus…… basketball star like sirius….i am dead serious

  11. Ari

    have fun!
    rock the dance floor with those moves you showed us

  12. Rolph

    Make a true hip hop album
    and keep up the bball

  13. hannah

    i love you little brother!!!

  14. if they dont approve of the money:

    good luck holmes, lets learn about astrology at that beautillion of yours

  15. Saba

    Swim team pride!

  16. Abbie

    Cyrus is the best, definitely one of my favorite people…ever.
    Abbie (:

  17. Selena

    yaay i hope you win cyrus! you’re pretty cool

  18. Mike

    you got thissssssssssss! Don’t lose, and good luck

  19. Brenda

    Cyrus, big bro!

    Congrats on almost being a man! woot.

    Thanks for always being there. You’re one special person. ❤

  20. Tim

    hey cyrus
    you’re a man among men,
    developing leadership and character
    during a time of change

    nice job brown bear

  21. John

    CYRUS!!! congratulations!!

  22. Frak

    Mazel Tov Cyrus! you da best!

  23. Ruby

    Heeeey Cyrus!!!!! OMG! Congratulations! It’s cool that you’re doing this! GO CYRUS GO! 🙂
    -Rubyyy. 🙂

  24. Brendan


    Congratulations on all of your success!
    Now you must prepare for all of your future successes as you become a man!

  25. Zane

    fasho cyrus growing up on me man! hahah but yeah congrats

  26. Kelsey

    yay congrats my buddy always there for me in times of trouble. you give great advice on life and we’ve known each other for a long time and we went to church together cause we’re cool and good people like that. not quite sure what else to say but youre super cool and i’m a fan of yours and you make a great beau.

  27. Aaron

    Yo Cyrus u homey since the town days and u always will be congrats bro!!

  28. Chu

    haven’t seen you in like a year but hope u win man
    YOU MY BOY!!!

  29. Daniel Roberts

    “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

    -Christopher Robin

    We’ve come a long way cyrus. Keep on going!

  30. katy

    Good luck Cy!
    and congrats!!!

  31. Emma

    your like a brother to me and you’ve come a long way
    and I’m so proud of you everyday
    we’ve had our ups and downs,
    even some round a rounds..
    but in the end,
    your a great friend!!!

  32. Grant

    Congratulations, and good luck. You da best!

  33. Daniel

    Congratulations Cyrus, my best of luck to you

  34. mati

    Heyyy monkeyface!
    Ily! Im sooo proud of u! Congratss<3 hope u winn!

  35. William WORM

    cyrus wesson is a bo$$man

  36. Wesley

    cyrus. win this. for me. become a shining becon of manhood in our lives. Among all the men of the world, you, YOU, your man-flame, it will burn brightest, blinding all those who despise manliness, burning testosterone into the world’s veins, and all will bow before you in awe, for Cyrus has become…A MAN.

  37. Vinny

    you being a man? i can help but think of the days of chemistry class and how… juvenile you can be

  38. Samantha

    Hey Cyrus! I hope you have a ton of fun at your Beautillion and congrats! So very proud of you : )

  39. Jack (little bro)

    hey dude, really am proud of you. Keep up the good work and yea maybe we will end up going to da same college… but really dude, miss you. Got yo back! nd rolphs nd grant. Hope you end up doing well and succeeding. And Ill see you at Bread DOWGGG. Peace bra

  40. Yonah

    Cyrus, Cyrus, Cyrus,
    Congratulations for all the work you’ve done to reach this milestone in your life. I understand that you’ve been preparing for this event for quite some time and I am so glad that I can be included. Now, there may be some changes in your life, but to be honest they will mostly be bad. You are about to get pinned with a whole lot of responsibility that adults like to call “becoming a man,” as I went through during my Bar-Mitzvah. The two are not exactly the same thing but in any community becoming an adult is inevitable. Most of this is stuff you’ve probably heard before but maybe it will mean something else coming from your friend. Anyways, good job and I look forward to this dance that I’ve heard so much about…

    Sincerely, Yonah


    Congrats Cyrus!
    Keep up those dunkable dreads.
    You’d better win!

  42. Desmond

    My man, cyrus. Keep your grind on.

  43. Chrissa Gaines

    Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. I’ll never forget you, Cyrus, you’ve been there since the beginning. Congratulations on becoming a man!

  44. Ian

    Cyrus, you about to win

  45. Hillary

    Oh Cyrus, we’ve been through so many adventures together. And I’m glad we both got into Lick even though we scared the shit out of each other in the interview. Taking the 43 with you every day is always a delight, even if it’s at such an unholy hour in the morning. I’m proud of you, and I know that your waltz will be flawless and the whole night will go off without a hitch and there won’t be anything even remotely funny on the video that Daryl will take.
    I hope you have a great time and everything works out the way it’s supposed to.
    Congratulations Cyrus! You’re great.

  46. Alison

    Cyrus, you have so many comments!
    you are going to win. I hope. So that you can rock that VIP room. With a surprise famous visitor.
    i hope i help you!

    p.s. Nice job on becoming a man, and all.

  47. Brianna San Diego

    your one of my best friends your always there for me thanks for everything 🙂

  48. Carlos (C-LOS)

    Cyrus it’s been a pleasure knowing you buddy.

  49. Katie Waters

    cyrus is man.
    looovee yoyuuuu maann! 🙂

  50. Hayley

    First of all congrats! Second of all. I love you. You are such a good friend. You have always been so nice to me, ever since I met you. Staffing Happening with you was awesome, and hopefully I can go to Bread and see you this summer.

  51. Stanley

    CONGRATS! So proud of you man 😀 go all the way 😀 have fun at your Beautillion

  52. Gabe

    CWes has those skills that flex wit the best. Lyrical impetuosity that defeats the rest. What’s next? Split down the middle, Cwes hits the lay-up with a switch from the right to the left. See his feet lift, swift, and from yours truly, I present my gift. Fight strong BCL, but you’ll win, it’s easy to tell.

  53. Dario

    Congrats on becoming a man! I’m proud of you!
    Good luck

  54. Sarah Roach


    you are amazing.
    you better win.
    and you better come to stanford next year!


  55. Sam

    I hear you play a nasty game of Sunday pick-up ball.
    Once this beautillion is done I want to challenge you.

    And good luck for the beautillion

  56. Ryan

    Congrats Cyrus! I hope you win!

  57. Dylan

    congrats buddy!!

  58. Wendy

    Cyrus Wesson, you best not be messin.

    Good luck!

  59. Maguire

    you go cyrus

  60. Jason

    Good luck Cyrus, I’m proud of you!!!!

  61. Ryland

    Congrats homie, i remember all the basketball one-on-one games and freestyle battles we would have when you were just a boy

  62. Mari

    Congratulations Cyrus! You got this.

  63. Taylor

    YAY CYRUS! High five for all the hard work you’ve put into this. Can’t wait ’till saturday & friday at that.

  64. Colby

    hey yo Cyrus, you’re about to win this comment contest, if I have anything to do with it.

  65. Connor

    Congrats on this Cyrus!
    Hilarious memories of backpacking still remain…

  66. Leah

    Yeah you are probably one of the best people to hug. EVER! Congrats on “becoming a man.” You are really an amazing friend who somehow makes even math more bearable. I love having D free and spanish with you. Congratulations again!

  67. Sabrine

    CYRUS!! you are an amazing kid!!!
    congrats and have fun!!
    hope you win!!

  68. Oliver Wesson III

    Good luck, Bro. Congradulations!

  69. Tyler

    hey man congrats, we gotta play another pick up game of ultimate frisbee soon

  70. Raven

    Good luck!!
    i hope u win. congrats

  71. Jacq

    Congrats Cryus…

    Wow, you have become quite the handsome man. I wish you all of the best.


  72. Glenn

    So I know little about you.
    Other than your SHEER AWESOMENESS
    but that is enough.
    You inspire me.

  73. noelle

    I wish I could be there for your big night… but I will be in spirit. Its been so great to know you growing up… since you first started coming on Sundays, and working the soup kitchen – dish buddy! It’s been a real great adventure so far to be at camp and to be your counselor, and to become your friend. You’re pretty much family, and I’m so proud to know you! And I know that this is only the beginning of you showing the rest of the world your abilities to do great things, so keep working hard and sharing your friendship and smile with the world! best to you in everything you set out to do. much love

  74. jeremaih jj

    bro good luck

  75. Henry

    Congrats on this huge achievement
    See you soon buddy!

  76. Katy

    Good luck bud! I hope you win it!

  77. kai Leshne

    Cyrus u got this

  78. Janet

    Hey Cyrus!
    I don’t want to sound too cheesy, but congratulations on all of your accomplishments that have led you here today. I mean it.
    I hope you win!

  79. Jen

    congrats 🙂

  80. ERIALC

    I LOVE YOOOOOOU! you better win this!

    Cyrus Wesson becomes a man :the only words that come to mind about this moment are : glorious, triumphant, jubilant, exultant, gleeful, proud, and gloating…

    this moment in life may be bigger then fat Albert

    im proud of you smalls;

  81. Ben

    I remember when we used play pick up basketball back at town (not on sundays, btw), and I would consistently whoop you. Now, you are the one doing the whooping. You, and your little army of dreds, have come a long way since the days of town, and I wish you good luck in your quest.
    -your homie, Ben

  82. Caroline

    Dear Cyrus,
    Youre the best.
    And good luck with this contest and all.
    <3, Caroline

  83. Hannah F.

    cyrus is the type of person who no matter what makes me smile. he’s so happy and full of love.

  84. Neal

    Congrats and goodluck Cyrus!

  85. Kate

    hey cyrus,
    you’re so gonna win this!! and then become famous.

  86. P.J.

    Wuttup Speedy Dreds

  87. Zak

    Wuts up dude good luck. we need to kick it soon man

  88. Noelle Vinson

    Congratulations from Noelle and the Vinson family from Connecticut (relocated to GA)!

    You probably don’t remember us because you are just a youngin but we go wayyy back… your biggest bro Oliver III used to babysit me back in CT when I was five! 😉



  89. Patrick F

    Cyrus. Congrats on everything you embark on. Determination and focus is the key.

  90. Sal Alvarez

    Cyrus-Best of luck to you as you continue to leave your mark on the world and give credit to the Wesson family. Peace.

  91. Patrick F


  92. Alex

    You have much to be proud of in your past and present. Good luck with your future!

  93. Amanda

    What a good-looking young man! Hope you win this!

  94. Lorenzo M

    Congrats and enjoy!

  95. Hasty

    You are, quite simply, the finest recording secretary I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Kudos to you, good sir.

  96. Heart, Skill, Talent, Intelligence and Good Looks. Cyrus in a nutshell. You rock Cyrus!

  97. shabi

    Congrats! Stay smooth bro.

  98. Rick Becker

    Way to go Cyrus! Great families produce great kids!

  99. Way to go Cyrus. Great kids come from great families….don’t ever forget that!

  100. Cisco


    Congratulations and good luck!!!

  101. Rick

    Congrats, Cyrus. Wishing you the best!

  102. Riza

    Hard work, dedication and commitment always pays off at the end…. Congratulations on all your accomplishments Cyrus

  103. Standish

    Good luck, I hope you win something nice.

  104. Marsha Bode

    Hi Cyrus, Good luck. I am writing this because my son-in-law Rick Becker told me to. Best wishes, Marsha

  105. Auntie Alice


    You dog! You’re still on top and I am so proud of you. Uncle Ken and I will see you on Saturday.

    Love, Auntie Alice

  106. Cyrus, Ive watched you grow up since we’ve been kids. You’ve grown into a respectable young man.
    Hard work and dedication pays off at the end
    Good luck,Congratualtions

  107. kara

    congrats!!! this is a great accomplishment and im sure there is many to come!!!

  108. Lauren

    congratulations cyrus!! good luck:)

  109. Kameron Chang

    So I was trying to think of something super cool and profound but it’s not coming to me so congrats and good luck.

  110. Maximilian

    Congratulations and good luck Cyrus! (aka speedy dreds)

  111. feibi the mac-tastic

    Dearest Cyrus-the player rapper hater of the world,

    You bring sunshine to the world with your moonlight smile.
    You bring love to the world with your cheery disposition.
    And most important… the day I met you, I knew you would become a man.

    You grow those dreads and hopefully, I too can live up to your high standards.

  112. Shannon

    Congrats Cy 🙂 Keep it up! GOOD LUCK!!

  113. Eddie

    I like this dude, he’s cool

  114. Sean

    Cyrus you are already a winner. now you will have something to show for it. Congrats!

  115. Alex

    Cyrus. You my boy. Your hair looks fresh.
    You’re a man now.
    Good Job.

  116. Will Cook

    Well Cyrus, I really don’t know what to say, this is such an accomplishment and I’m so proud of you man. You’ve really grown up and I’m really quite impressed.

    Congrats Cyrus. I wish I could attend this event but I unfortunately can’t make it out there.

    Best of luck,


  117. Leanne

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work! You are smart, caring, and driven. I’m proud of you!


  118. Sam

    When I think of Cyrus, i imagine a Persian king. But he never had a beautillion! Writing this to give my support behind the *other* cyrus the great of SF. Great work man!

  119. Ali

    Cyrus is a rock star!

  120. Marguerite

    Good luck with everything!!!

  121. oscar

    good luck becoming a man, i believe in you

  122. Tyler

    Good Luck And Congrats. Hope you win this.

  123. Melissa Santoro

    Cyrus, such a great kid! Definitely the best choice for this 🙂

  124. Cyrus (different guy)

    Let’s go Cyrus.

  125. Alisa

    good luck! i see xm radio in your future…

  126. Sophie

    Hey Cyrus!!! Good luck!!! =)

  127. Alex Urry

    HEy cyrus
    Have a happy coming of black man age!!!

  128. Brodie

    You have come a long way since the days of town school kick ball. Congrats. We gotta kick it soon

    your bro brodie

  129. Sophie

    yay cyrus!!! i’m so proud of you! congrats! you’re amazing ❤

  130. Kristofer

    Hey Cyrus, nice job man. Good luck and congratulations

  131. yehoshua mnazarene


  132. Deanna

    hi cyrus
    lets see, i’ve known you for i think three years now….
    you’re super awesome and we’ve been through almost everything, and we’re somehow still friends – so thats saying a lot
    heres to you

  133. Becca


  134. ben

    GOOD LUCK!!! Hope everything turns out great Cyrus!

  135. Ben

    Cyrus can scrape a kid twice his height. sometimes

  136. Salina

    Congrats Cyrus.

  137. Julie

    Cyrus, Congratulations and good luck! Set your sites high and you can achieve anything! You already are a winner….

  138. Ileana

    Good Lord, so many comments! You got this, Cyrus! 😀

  139. SR

    Way to Go, Cyrus!

  140. René

    Congratulations Cyrus! Best of luck to you!

  141. Niki

    This cool cat is my cousin. Go Cy! I’m proud of you.

  142. Pingback: My People Contest « Beautillion Beaux

  143. Dani

    Hey Cyrus,

    We are all so proud of you and your goals and accomplishments! Everyone here in Glendale is rooting for you. Have a wonderful time and congratulations.


  144. PW

    Proud of you, little cousin. Stay Black.

  145. Brian

    Great stuff Cyrus. Looking forward to another discussion with you sometime — it’s been awhile. Best of luck to ya!

  146. Ali

    congratulations cyrus!

    i’m so proud

  147. polite

    good job cyrus!
    best of luck with everything and all
    i hope you win this contest too!

  148. Anna

    Cy! You’re hilarious and I love you. Now go become a man!

  149. La Shelly

    Congrats and everyone stays proud of you! Blessings to you.

  150. Stephanie

    Congratulations Cyrus! Have fun.

  151. Bill

    Congrats Cyrus. Good luck

  152. Nick Brownrigg

    I am going to surprise you Cyrus and just Say congratulations….. Its quite an achievement.

  153. Austin Ng

    Cyrus i have not seen you in a while but congrats!
    good luck

  154. AG

    Cyrus Wesson
    Cyrus Wesson
    Always impressin’
    He’s got my blessin’

  155. Hanna

    Let’s go Cyrus, the almighty physics lab partner! Best of luck!

  156. Kyle

    Good Luck in becomin a man, but u gotta beat me 1 on 1 first.

  157. kishan

    speedy dreads. whens rhonda tightening the dreads?

    no but actually congrats on you becoming a man

  158. Joey

    Congrats. You’re awesome. Good luck!

  159. Kerina

    congrats cyrus!
    best of luck with everything.

  160. Rosalie

    heyy cyrusss:)
    good luck with your page 🙂

  161. philip

    cryus heres your comment

  162. Jacob

    Pumbaa: Hey, Timon, ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
    Timon: Pumbaa, I don’t wonder; I know.
    Pumbaa: Oh. What are they?
    Timon: They’re fireflies. Fireflies that, uh… got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.
    Pumbaa: Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
    Timon: Pumbaa, with you, everything’s gas.

    so um, i tried to find a better quote from lion king, something about becoming a man… but this was all i could find.

    ps: i reeelly wanna meet tooshort

  163. Mason B

    You are not only handsome, but smart too, and totally deserving of this beutillian. congratulations.

  164. Cyrus, as the offspring once said…”you’re gonna go far, kid”

  165. Daniel

    I’m so proud of you man, Congrats!

  166. yee Cyrus, congrats homie. have fun and good luck

  167. beast

    you’re pretty fly.


  168. Kevin

    This kid is the best! Good luck man.

  169. Justin

    You best win this.

  170. Chris F.

    hey man, good job on this. keep it up, next time maybe it will be YOU who stands victorious on that mound of sand haha

  171. frank

    yo, you gotta come out and ride again soon, next crit mass! good luck mayne!

  172. Dylan

    Cryus, you’re a champ, and I’m proud to have been able to hang with you around Lick. Congrats dude, and good luck becoming a man. Git sum.

  173. Anais moi

    hey cycy
    hope you win!

  174. As a fellow friend and cousin of Cyrus, I do not know anybody more generous and kind in his field. He is so kind yet so so chill. How is that even possible? This kind of personality only comes through the purest of hearts: a heart of gold. Pure platinum. Pure gold. Pure essence of awesome…

  175. Drea

    Congrats on your achievements! Good luck.

  176. Izabel

    Congratulations Cyrus! ur awesome!

  177. Izzi

    Cyrus ur so handsome and amazing, i wish i could see you become a man. we should hang out sometime

  178. annie

    Hey Cyrus, im so happy to see you become a man on saturday. You are amazing

  179. Caldwell P. Busybody

    Ahhhhh…. Memories….. Do you remember Cyrus?

    Standing alone, on the hillock, writing poetry for your
    soul mate…

    Hunting in Massachusetts for the ever elusive yellow bellied Sapsucker…

    Laughing while running through meadows of crabgrass, delirious, yet ever so philosophical…

    Cyrus, you are now a man.

    This behavior is no longer tolerated in your new manhood.

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

    May your paddles stay swift and your dagger stay sharp


  180. Pat

    Congratulations Cyrus. Keep up the Great Work. God has more in store for you!! Your cousin.

  181. Louise

    Good luck, Cyrus!

  182. Bria

    I haven’t know u for all that long, but good luck with all of your future endeavors!

  183. Lizzie

    Cyrus for the win.
    Congrats man. :]

  184. Hansoo


  185. Izzie

    it took me a ridiculously long time to scroll all the way down here

    Cyrus is the coolest.

  186. Brolatariat

    Good luck, dooooood. No matter how this turns out, you’ll always be a man in my eyes

  187. Juliette

    Congratulations! Hope you win and good luck with this contest!!

  188. mike

    hellz yes dude

  189. Wow Cyrus this looks pretty official! Im impressed but your making all of us other lick-townies look like slackers!
    Good Luck!

  190. Jane

    He’s been hot since he was 8.

  191. James M


  192. Pia

    hey well im not exactly sure what to write here…congrats i feel is appropriate and if its not then that makes me sound ridiculous. But who cares, CONGRATS amigo!!

  193. Leonard

    soooooo I wana be like Cyrus Christ when I grow up!!!!!!!!! (inside joke)

  194. Peter Morrow

    Congrats man, sounds like you’re doing great, keep it up! I hope I see you around.

  195. Sam

    wow Cyrus I never knew you did so many things. good job

  196. This Guy This Guy This Guy
    Cyrus Wesson is a great guy. He deserves to win. The best way i can describe him is that he is like a pineapple

    Love your friend, Nate

    p.s. Hope you’re making good choices

  197. Jody

    Congrats Cyrus!
    Goodluck with everything!

  198. Punn

    because you told me to

  199. Marty

    Cyrus, you are really starting to realize your potential. I am proud of how you are growing up and keep up the good work!

  200. Janelle

    Good job Cyrus!!!

  201. Aaron

    That’s my cousin!!!!

  202. Shannon

    Let’s go Cyrusssss! Woot woot !!
    I’ve known you since diapers always a great guy, keep it up !

  203. Kache

    Whooo Hooo Cyrus… congrats! Good Luck.

  204. Janet

    Hey Mr. Cy. Good luck with your future. I wish you the best.

  205. Melisa

    Hey Cy,
    Happy you managed to make it through. We are proud of you. Congrats

  206. Nicole

    Good luck in your future.

  207. Art

    Getting close! Enjoy every minute!

  208. Vance

    Congratulations Cyrus!!!

  209. Gabbi

    Hey man, nice job!

  210. Ian M

    Good luck Cyrus

  211. kevin

    sup C-money, it’s K-nation


  212. Sophie

    Yayyyyyyy cyrus! keep being awesome

  213. Aidan

    congratulations buddy

  214. Alexis

    Make good decisions

    get to the bus on time so you dont miss it

  215. Bill S

    you have a long and winding road ahead of you. take the bus to get there faster. and dont be late and miss it

  216. Luan Huynh

    Cyrus worked with us on a movie, Back to Center, about two years ago. He starred in it and wrote a great rap. He was very mature. Cyrus is muti-faceted and extremely talented. Go Cyrus!

  217. Richie Lopez

    Cyrus is a cool cat. Eye-Q film loves you Cyrus. Can’t wait to work with you in the future.

  218. Rachel

    CYRUS, my lil bro!
    i can’t believe you’re growing up right before my eyes. seriously though wow and congrats! best of luck with everything!!
    your sistah from another mistah

  219. Sam

    HI CYRUS!! Here is a message. Enjoy the rest of high school dude. live it up, work hard, and play harder

  220. Dan

    Ayyyy lets go Cyrus becoming a man. Keep doing what you do and you’ll be a very accomplished person. Haha I sound like a grown up. Anyways keep it up or else I’ll have to scrape you in some pokemon. hahahaha. Good times. Peace 1 Cyrus

  221. Javonte

    Hey Cyrus keep it up, and keep reppin’ for the black licksters man hahaha. But on the real, Cyrus is one of the dopest young men I know and many people would do well to follow his example. congratulations man.

  222. Paul

    Congratulations lil’ bro. Good luck!

  223. Sister

    You go Jamil!

  224. Heiko

    Hey Cyrus, heres from your swim coach, have a good beautillion and become a man. i hope that you come to practice more afterwards

  225. Chaney

    You’re almost there!

  226. Jason

    Cyrus! you are a great man, and great addition for this beautillion. wish you luck,

  227. Mike

    you’re a shining star in the twinkling twilight Cyrus, good luck

  228. Chris

    good luck man

  229. Bertie

    Cyrus come staff BREAD this year with us, we would love to have you. Also congrats on becoming a man

  230. Anna

    i love you cyrus and my family says hi. you should come visit us sometime in alaska. congrats on your beautillion

  231. Travis Koonze

    Congratulations Cyrus. BREAD Camp has always been an awesome place to go and it’s because people like you. I am honored to have met you. You are one of the nicest and coolest people. You’ve always been great to be around. Cyrus, stay cool. I am proud of you.

  232. Sharon Harrison

    Congrats from Sacramento! Keep making the family proud.

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